

Filename  OrderFeedback\klantnummer_OrderFeedback.csv
Frequency  Every 5 minutes
Content  All dropshipment orders (up to 90 days)
Format  CSV | semicolon separated | no text qualifiers | UTF-8



Column names in csv file
Data Types
Ordernummer Our order number varchar(11)
Yourref Your order number varchar(60)
Modified Timestamp of last modification varchar(30)
Status The current status of this order varchar(30)
TrackandTrace The Track and Trace link to follow the shipment varchar(250)



Geïmporteerd The XML order is successfully imported
Backorder There is insufficient stock, making us unable to ship
Geaccepteerd Stock had been allocated to this order and the order has been fully validated
Klaar voor verzending The order has been fully picked, a Track and Trace link has been created and the order is ready to be handed over to the carrier
Historisch The order has been handed over to the carrier
In bewerking This is an intermediate step